I have never been one to follow the norm...especially when it comes to sleeping at night. As a result, I've become a connoisseur of late night television watching as well as web surfing, and sometimes, I even find myself preferring to sleep during the day between classes and stay up at night. What is with this attraction to the night?
My father might say that this is a result of reading too many Anne Rice/Stephen King novels or watching too many horror films. My mother would probably say that it has something to do with me not knowing when to go to bed because I've been a night owl for as long as I can remember.
The night also brings up thoughts about different aspects of life, like what I'm going to do with my life, the meaning of life, how all our lives are interconnected, and other thoughts like that...and then I end up getting derailed by some trivial distraction and have to start all over again. Sometimes I end up thinking about things, and not even knowing how my train of thought got there...
It'll end up being something like this:
Man, I can't wait until Spring Break, one year we should definitely hit up South America, Brazil seems nice, or maybe the other coast...somewhere where the ancient Inca used to stay and built up their great civilization, geez history is full of great dynasties...I wonder what people thought of our "new member presentation"...I should really download some more Andre 3000 music...I wonder how the fam in ATL is doing...where's the next family reunion?...why is everyone getting engaged/married/pregnant all of a sudden?...when does life begin to the point where the decision no longer belongs in the hands of the person whose life is being controlled by the pregnancy?...who even started "religion" and why the heck did they make things so freaking "exclusive"...oooh, I think I'm running low on conditioner...should I cut my hair again?...wait...why shouldn't I cut my hair again? It is just hair...why do Black women care so much about hair anyway...oh snap, that's my jam! Heeey!...I wonder if this person singing actually knows about "love"...shoot...I don't really know about "love" like that...*sigh* it's 3 AM... (sleep)
You could basically swap any topic in or out of that internal monologue/stream of consciousness, and it could fit. It's like a blob-o-gram of thought when I should be resting my mind.
But then again, do I really want complete rest brought to my mind just yet? Nah...if that happens...who'll fight the power? So in the meantime in between time, let the musings flow like the Seine.
Oh snap, the negro speaks of rivers!
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