25 June 2009

On Summertime...

*cue the obligatory Will Smith song*

Ah, yes. We have once again arrived at the point in time where we as young adults have the right, damn near obligation, to set loose, go out, forget work, and make less than reasonable mistakes. It's the summer, and it not only brings with it the end of classes and my birthday, but it may also be seen as the harbinger of a multitude of other pleasantries.

And here's a compiling of my favorites as I sit at my desk, finished with all assignments due, at 10-something AM:

  • midnight movie viewings (Transformers is the ish. If you haven't seen it, you're late already.) HP will be that crack. Yeah, I said it.
  • 3 AM IHOP. Not to be confused with 3 AM WaHo in the L during the academic year. See, that 3 AM IHOP is significantly sweeter and delicious because you don't go back to your dorm room feeling the syrupy guilt digesting in your stomach...
  • summer weekends! ie. 5 PM Friday-11 PM Sunday night. 11 PM because I've assigned myself a summer bedtime for Sundays. Law school apparently induces suicide-level stresses, and I don't need that kind of problem compounded with sleep deprivation. Depression isn't sexy folks...
  • COOKING OUT. Nothing better than carcinogens on red meat. I'm actually serious on this.
  • music overload. Welcome back to the city little girl, bring with you your deprived ears and saturate them with caressing melodies, witty rhymes, and new artists. (Wale's "Chillin'" is a new must. Not new per se, but a definite windows down blaster for me.)
  • co-worker interaction. Indulge in the inter-office drama from the outside and temporarily as you, the perennial intern, are subject to it for only 2-3 months. teheehee.
  • DVR/TiVo. You are no longer a true TV-watcher until you have induced comatose behavior to enjoy a full season of a show that was not available on your campus. (see: HBO's Brand New Voices. My heart was always with Hawaii, no lie. And if that Philly coach had cried ONE MORE TIME, I was going to take a train ride and whoop up on him. Punk.)

This list is not exhaustive by any means, but someone just did the I'm-going-to-walk-into-your-cubicle-and-be-nosy routine. You're not slick...

More later!

1 comment:

  1. Great list! Midnight showings and Ihop and back to back episodes of your fav series (Sigh)
